Hello everyone and welcome to 6G. Our teaching team this year consists of your class teacher, Miss Graham and our wonderful teaching assistant Miss Crozier. We can't wait to see you all in September. We are going to have an incredible year and we are itching to get started! Have a fantastic summer... eat lots of ice cream, explore, be kind and take care of yourselves. Don't forget to complete the summer challenge in the summer activity pack! Stay safe and see you all in September.
Miss Graham
Sports Day and Epic Waterfight!!!!
Team Torrisholme Festival
More Music
Banksy street art
The children have created their individual stencils this week for their Banksy street art, which we found a bit of a challenge due to the intricate cutting skills involved! The results are beautiful!
Chester Zoo!!!
Street Art
6G began to design their graffiti tags this week for a piece of art we are currently working on. Check out some of their amazzzing designs. Next week, we will be finishing our graffiti art and taking a look at Banksy....watch this space for some awesome art work!!!
Brilliant beatboxing
Year 6 had the privilege of a wonderful music session this week with a professional music teacher. The children were taught how to beatbox (which they loved!), and began to compose a class rap which we will finish throughout the term. Once again, the class impressed me with their talent and creativity. Watch out for the very enthusiastic and engaged child at the end of the video!!!
Summer 2
On the first day back , the children enjoyed a dodgeball tournament and training session, hosted by a dodgeball coach. The children were fantastic and showed great skill. Well done to our tournament winners. The coach also complemented them on how polite and respectful they were, well done 6G!
Summer 1 2021
Wow! I can't believe it is half term already. The last seven weeks have flown by and the children have produced some outstanding work. Our topic this term was South America and the children had lots of fun using their geographical skills. We looked at latitude and longitude at the start of term, before moving onto the human and physical features of South America, trade links, the Amazon Rainforest, and the impact humans have on the Rainforest. The children had lots of fun creating their own biome, where we looked at ecosystems, climate and vegetation belts. Lastly, we finished the term by mirroring John Dyer's Rainforest art.
One of our English writing outcomes this term was a non-chronological report on an animal from the rainforest. The children produced some beautiful work which I have uploaded to the slideshow below.
Have a lovely (and hopefully sunny) half term,
Miss Graham
Earth Day 2021
Last week, the children practised hitting the ball with accuracy.
Our South America topic has really engaged the children so far and we are all enjoying finding out more about this glorious continent. Here are a selection of pictures of the children hard at work in our topic lessons.
Comic Relief 2021
Well done to everyone who donated, as a school we raised an incredible £510!
Amazing Artists
Throughout our first week back, 6G have produced these amazing animal collages! The process involved creating colored and monochrome pieces, before ripping them into strips. I then handed out random strips to each table meaning the final piece is a mixture of different children's work. The children have just been a total delight this week! Well done 6G for a fantastic first week back.
Year 6 Viking Day
Our Year 6 Viking day was brilliant! The children made a huge effort with their costumes and have got really stuck in to all of the activities. We made clay Viking shields, intricately carved with toothpicks, which we will paint once they are dry. Then, we played the Viking Trading Game, which consisted of the class splitting into teams and trading Viking and Anglo-Saxon goods. It was great hearing the children turning into mini-salespeople! We are going to announce the winning team tomorrow and the team who managed to make the best trades. Finally, we ended the day with a virtual zoom call with The Jorvik Centre. We had a 45 minute talk with a Viking Ironsmiths wife who showed us lots of different Viking weapons. The children listened beautifully and were really engaged.
Vikings- Raiders and traders
This week in preparation for our DT project (building a Viking longship!) the children ventured outside to create a real life replica of an outline of a Viking’s longship. We were all really surprised at just how large longships were and the children worked together really well.
Children in need 2020
Thank you so much 6G for all of your donations! Well done to our colouring competition winners : Darcy, Alex, Tilly and Evie.
Autumn 2
Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a lovely rest over half term. This term our topic is ‘Raiders and Traders’ where we will be learning about the Viking’s! The children enjoyed their very own excavation dig on Wednesday afternoon where they dug for clues in the soil, before piecing them together and guessing what artefact they had found. We then discussed what we had found and the significance the Vikings had on modern society.
In English we are studying Viking Boy. The children were fantastic at acting out a short poem from the story this week, and really got into character. The videos will be too long to upload here so I will upload them to Torrisholme TV.
DT project
This term the children have been working on a DT project, which was to design and make a felt, robot key ring. The children have really persevered with their robots and the results paid off :)! I love how different and unique each robot is - a reminder of how we are all different and unique. Well done 6G you should be very proud of your finished designs.
The children took part in a little maths challenge today. It was lovely to see the teams working together and getting slightly (!) competitive!!
The children have been hard at work writing a short narrative based around the novel 'The Nowhere Emporium' by Ross Mackenzie. The work the children are producing is just beautiful! I will upload pictures once we are finished.
Autumn 1
I can't believe Autumn 1 is nearly over! What a quick term it has been. It has been wonderful being back with the children and as I told you all in our parents evening conversations, the children have settled back into their school routine really well.
The focus this term in maths has been place value where we have being working with numbers up to 10,000,000. Here are some snaps of your fabulous mathematicians at work.
Autumn 1-Hockey
The children have enjoyed playing hockey as part of their weekly PE lessons this term. We have looked at tackling, handling the ball safely, defending and attacking, and how to show great sportsmanship.
First day
We have uploaded a short video of what to expect when your arrive at school on your first day. Please follow the link below to Torrisholme TV where you will find the video in 6G's channel.
See you soon :)