We really enjoyed our Santa 🎅 dash today. We loved our 12 moves of Christmas warm up. Then we completed our Santa dash on the track. Thank you to everyone who has sent their envelopes back. Please can you collect any more sponsor money and send it into school by the end of the week.
We have loved learning all about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot!
Amazing Artists! We have loved mixing our primary colours to make different colours for our firework inspired art!
We have been creating our own musical compositions using pictures. We assigned an instrument to each picture and took it in turns to be the musicians and the conductor.
Marvellous Mathematics!
We have been enjoying our new logic and strategy games and puzzles.
Nursing is a Work of Heart
We are loving learning about nursing in the past and present. We kick started our topic with a very special Q+A with Nurse Pam. Nurse Pam spoke to the children about what is like to work in a hospital and be a nurse. The children created lots of interesting questions to ask her via zoom...
We have been enjoying the many learning opportunities around our classrooms, including our 'X-Rays in Progress' area where the children could create their own X-Rays and our enquiry area and writing station where the children have been researching Florence Nightingale using fact sheets, books and webpages as well as creating their own timelines of the life of Florence.
We also enjoyed sketching Florence Nightingale from real life portraits and creating collages of medical equipment.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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