Santa dash 2021 🎅We had a great morning warming up to the 12 days of Christmas. Next we completed our Santa dash! Please send any sponsor money into school before the end of term.🎄
Santa Claus is coming to town!
Using our understanding of multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 we were able to convert measures.
Exploring multi-step maths problems.
It’s been a busy week for table top maths. We’ve been busy checking calculations using estimation by rounding and the inverse operation as well as tackling multi step word problems.
Armistice Day Poppies.
Investigating different methods of subtraction: mental, jottings and formal column.
4-digit addition word problems
Keith Haring Art T.Shirts - design and create a T.shirt in the style of Keith Haring!
Check out this Superstar Mathematician!
Timeline of English Monarchs from Longshanks to Queen Elizabeth II
Adding and subtracting 10s, 100s and 1000s - tabletop problem solving!
Place value orienteering challenge
Exploring world faiths: Judaism
Negative number line ‘tug of war’.
Online safety: Pause, think, stay safe online.
Digital media: Create an animation which includes sound and backgrounds.
Table top maths: Number lines
Collaborative art inspired by Keith Haring
Table top maths: Partitioning
Investigating place value
Keith Haring’s continuous lines and moving people
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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