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Friday 15.01.21



Today is 'Fancy Hair Friday!'. As you can see, I'm sporting the French braid in my hair today. How will you style your hair? We'd love to see some pictures of your fancy hair!

Happy Birthday, Heidi! Have a lovely day!


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Writing challenge: Can you create your own version of the story ‘We are going on a bear hunt!’ Change the animal that you are hunting for and give your story a new title e.g. We are going on a crocodile hunt! Then think about where your hunt might lead you e.g. through a storm, swamp etc. You can create a story map of your version to help you write it. You could even get a grown up to record you telling your story!


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Shape Muddle


Oh no! We have lots of different shapes and objects but they’re all in a muddle! Can you sort the shapes into the right places? For example, everything square in the square box. Everything triangle in the triangle box.


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Let’s be super scientists!


Let’s make fireworks in a glass!


You will need warm water, oil, a tall glass and food colouring.  This is a very fun science safe experiment.


  1. Fill the tall glass with warm water
  2. Pour a small amount of oil into a bowl and add a few drops of different coloured food colouring. 
  3. Mix it gently with a fork.  If it doesn’t mix add a bit of water.
            4. Pour the food colouring and oil mixture into the warm water and watch what             happens.....fireworks in a jar!
COLLINS eBooks - why not log into you Collins eBooks page and choose a book to read today. Don't forget to log the book you read in your yellow reading diary. Enjoy!

Some Family Game Fun...

Why not have some easy to organise, family fun this weekend? Set yourselves up a score sheet and have a family games day. Who will come out victorious??


Give yourselves some well earned rest and family time - you are all doing an amazing job! 
