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Friday 16.10.20

Good Morning Year One x

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Literacy ✍️

Our Daily Weather Report ☀️🌧


Can you say your sentence aloud first? Use a capital letter for the day of the week and the beginning of your sentence? Can you spell Friday correctly?  Use a full stop at the end of your sentence? Use your phonic sounds to write words e.g. ai in rain? Can you use the joining word ‘and’ to link your ideas and sentences? For example Today is it cloudy and sunny. 

Please remember to share your wonderful writing with us ✍️ 🌟

Marvellous Mathematics

One More and One Less


Can you roll the dice and record the number? Find one less? One more?

Can you challenge yourself and use two dice? Roll the dice and add the numbers together and record the number, can you find one more? One less?


Have fun our marvellous mathematicians! 


Topic 🦋🕷🐛🐞🐝


Can you make a junk model of your favourite minibeast? Think about how you can reuse yogurt port, kitchen rolls, bubble wrap, corks, scrap paper, cardboard and egg boxes to make a marvellous minibeast!


Share your clever creation with us by adding it to your learning journal on ‘Evidence Me’, have fun! 

Story time with Mrs Dickinson 📚

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I hope you enjoyed my story Superworm by the author Julia Donaldson.


What was your favourite part of the story? Who was your favourite character? Can you write a sentence about what happened in our story?



Have a wonderful weekend Year One! 🌟🌈

Our Weekend Challenge


This weekend we would like to challenge you to do as many RAK (Random Act of Kindness) as you can!

Can you tidy your bedroom? Can you hoover? Can you make a card for a family member to make them smile? Can you read a story to your brother or sister? Can you feed your family pet?


Please share your wonderful acts of kindness with us by sharing it to your learning journal on ‘Evidence Me’.  It fills our hearts with joy to see you all helping and spreading love and happiness with your acts of kindness!
