Easter Treasure Trail
Please find below an 'Easter Treasure Trail' which has been put together by our wonderful PTFA volunteers.
The trail consists of a route around the Torrisholme area with a series of questions/clues for you to answer as a family.
The trail is just for fun, however, if you do take part and would like to return your answers to school between Monday 12th and Thursday 15th April, there will be a little treat for each child that has taken part. Entries can be returned to class teachers, marked clearly with your child's name and class. If you have more than one child, one entry is fine, but please make sure you add each child's name and class so that we can ensure they get their reward!
Have fun!
Christmas 2020
The PTFA have shown their adaptable side in helping school make Christmas 2020 a special one despite all the challenges.
Santa's Sleigh Shop
As an alternative to the usual Santa's Surprise Shop, where the children would visit the shop which is set up by PTFA volunteers, our wonderful helpers will be setting up a sleigh! They sleigh will be packed with gift options for children to choose as a surprise for a grown up and will visit the class bubble. Children will choose a gift and then wrap it in class to make sure nobody misses out.
Online Interactive Pantomime
On Thursday 17th December, the whole school will be enjoying an online panto courtesy of the PTFA who will also be providing drinks and festive snacks!
Children may wear Christmas jumpers, hats, fancy dress to help us all get into the spirit!
Christmas Raffle
Although we won't be able to hold our annual fair this Christmas, the PTFA will still be holding their raffle which will be drawn in school on Monday 14th December. Tickets will be sent home via the children and extras can be obtained by emailing ptfa@torrisholme.lancs.sch.uk - they already have some fabulous prizes!