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Maths Games

Below are links to some of our favourite maths games and songs  to help the children with their fluency across the 4 operations. If you can spare time at home, there are lots of fun and catchy ways to practise those times tables. In Year 3, the children must know the 3, 4 and 8 times tables in addition to the 2, 5 and 10 times tables they should already know from Year 2.


The most popular sites for maths games relating to fluency are

TopMarks - https://www.topmarks.co.uk and Maths Frame - https://mathsframe.co.uk 

Place Value Basketball

Place value is a difficult concept and this game can help you to know the value of each number depending on its position. Recognise the total of the Dienes base ten blocks and match to numbers up to three digits on the basketballs. 

Super Maths Bowling

This has got to be our classroom favourite!! You can practise any of the 4 operations but we like to use it to practice quickly recalling our multiplication facts. Simply choose which times tables you would like to practise. Remember, our aim in year 3 is to confidently recall the 2x, 5x, 10x, 3x, 4x and 8x tables, a lot of these you will know from being superstars in year 2.

Top tip: answer the multiplication questions quickly and accurately and you will find it much easier to aim your bowling ball at the pins. 

3 Times Tables - Have Fun Learning!

4 Times Table Song (Cover of I'm Still Standing by Taron Egerton)

8 Times Table Song (Cover of Rolling In The Deep by Adele)

2 Times Table Song (Cover of Can't Stop The Feeling! By Justin Timberlake)

5 Times Table Song | Skip Counting

Multiply by 10 | Learn Multiplication | Multiply By Music | Jack Hartmann
