Your child will need a ruler this week. There will be a video each day to talk through the activities on the website.
Answers for the activity will be added onto the website for you to self-mark to check your progress.
Warm-up: Number of the Day
Complete all the questions related to the number in the star.
Main activity: Turns and angles
Before beginning, practice turning quarter, half and full turns and challenge your child to turn e.g. quarter turn clockwise/anti clockwise. You could use the compass directions too.
Watch the teaching video on the website and complete the activity sheet.
Extension- make a maze to direct your brother/sister/parent through by blindfolding them and giving them instructions like go straight on 4 steps then turn a quarter turn anti-clockwise, take 2 steps forward, turn clockwise a quarter turn to the left…
Please photograph and send in any work so that we can give feedback.
Comprehension answers will be added to the website so your child can self-mark and monitor their progress.
ENGLISH Activity:
Welcome to our brand new topic… SPACE! We have space themed activities planned and some peculiar new space creatures to familiarise ourselves with. Over the course of the next two weeks, we are building up our skills to create our very own SPACE MONSTER!
Let’s begin… Look at the first 3 pages of the text all about ‘The Goaties’. Can you spot the special layout features? E.g. headings/ labelled diagrams.
Task – Your task is to create a WANTED poster on behalf of the Space Police – have you seen these characters? The Space Police are determined to catch them!
Send in any photos for our ‘Space’ Gallery!
Train Like an Astronaut.
Time yourself for 30 seconds. How many Commander Crunches (sit ups) can you complete?
Hold the Pilot Plank for 30 seconds?
Stand on one leg for the Gravity Hold for 30 seconds?
Rocket Race: In 30 seconds, how many shuttle runs of 5m distance can you complete.
Try to beat your score each day.
Choose an activity from the Space topic grid.