First watch Miss Shepherd’s top tip reading video. Now use the eBook library or your child’s phonics books from school to encourage your child to read their book to you by sounding and blending each word.
Draw and Write - Have a look at the farm animal characters from our story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. What’s your favourite farm animal? Can you have a go at drawing some animals and writing a sentence about each one?
Watch the video on our remote learning web page to learn about our focus this week – we’ll learn about the words add, equals and altogether and see the addition sign. Now use the addition mat from your pack to add. Place some objects in the first hand and some in the second hand. Now move them ALTOGETHER and count to add.
Wider Curriculum
Which activity will you choose today from the pick and mix activity pack? We'd love to see what you get up to - post it on evidence me.