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Monday 25th January


Watch Mrs Robinson's video for todays new sound!


Phonics with Mrs Robinson - qu


Listen to Miss Shepherd reading the story Aliens Love Underpants and learn all about rhyming words! 

In your home learning packs you will find a sheet, can you cut and stick the pictures to match up the rhyming words? Remember - rhyming words have the same sound at the end of the words! 

Rhyming activity - Aliens Love Underpants


Watch Mrs Robinson's video and learn all about 3D shapes! 

Then go on a hunt around your house and look for objects that resemble a 3D shape. Keep your eye out for any spheres, cuboids, cubes and cylinders. 

3D Shape

Learn all about our new topic 3D shapes

Wider Curriculum

Please choose from the Space Pick and Mix activities. 
