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Our Learning Journey

We have been learning about how a lot of our Christmas traditions started in the Victorian era. We made cornucopias, which are a Victorian Christmas tree decoration and would have been filled with sweets.

2D had a fantastic Christmas fun day on Thursday. We had great fun at our Mini-Christmas Fayre and the activities each year group had set up. We then had an amazing time in the hall, eating our Christmas lunch, pulling crackers and lots of Christmas songs. We finished the day off with a virtual pantomime of Cinderella that the PTFA had arranged for us.

In DT, we have designed a fire engine on the computers, using a Purple Mash program and then we made them with moving wheels and added detail for the finished product. We are very proud of our fire engines.

Children in Need. We joined in with Joe Wicks and his live PE session at the end of his incredible 24 hours of being active.

Children in Need PE with Joe Wicks

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Children in Need PE with Joe WIcks

Still image for this video

Children in |Need PE with Joe Wicks

Still image for this video

Our school council organised a Pudsey Bear colouring competition to raise money for Children in Need. Our 2D winner was Fearne. Here are all the fabulous entries in 2D

In PE we have been developing our ball skills.

GREAT FIRE OF LONDON. Our History topic is the Great Fire of London. We have been learning about Tudor houses and what they were made from. We learned how this contributed to the fire spreading.

We have been learning how animals are suited to the habitat that they live in. We have learned about two different habitats; the African Savannah and the Arctic. We have produced some amazing pieces of art work as part of our learning. We hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we enjoyed creating them.

We have been growing our mindset and learning about how to change how we think to help us be an effective learner.

We have been using collage to make a person. We had paper with different skin tones because we have been learning that everyone is different.
