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Our School Day

We have made adjustments to our school day in the autumn term 2020 due to the COVID-19 risk assessment.

Due to the staggered break times, lunch times and the end of the day, the school bell is not being used.


8.45am - Classroom doors open

9.00am - Bell for morning registration

10.15am - 10.30am Playtime for Y2, Y3 and Y4

10.35am - 10.50am Playtime for Y5 and Y6

11.45am - 12.45pm - Reception Lunchtime

12.00pm - 12.55pm - Y2 - Y6 Lunchtime

12.10pm - 1.05pm - Y1 Lunchtime

2.50pm - End of the school day for Reception

3.00pm - End of school day for Y1, Y3 and Y5

3.10pm - End of the school day for Y2, Y4 and Y6
