For the next two weeks, the whole school being led by the theme of World Book Day. Reception and Year 1 are looking at the lovely books written by Julia Donaldson.
As usual, you will find a grid below which is duplicated in your home learning pack. Where your child's timetable states, please choose an activity from this grid.
The activities which have a * next to them on the grid have resources provided below.
Some of the activities do need some resources from home in order to complete them, so we would advise that you look through the grid before starting next week's learning and plan which ones would be suitable for your family.
Children in Years 2-6 are working on activities themed around the books by the author Roald Dahl. However, if you have siblings working on different grids , they could still complete an activity from one of the grids together - whichever way works best for your family.
We have also added in a 'well-being' column with some suggestions for activities that could be done in place of a topic activity or in addition to school work, just for fun.
There is no pressure from school to complete these activities. Please fit in whatever fits your family and circumstances.