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Remote Learning Information

Remote Learning

The term 'remote learning' refers to the educational provision schools made available to children who are unable to attend school due to coronavirus.


It is impossible to know when remote education will be needed or what the circumstances of the children learning at home will be. For this reason, we feel that any remote learning should reinforce and embed core knowledge and skills rather than provide new learning which is best taught in the classroom.


There are 3 situations in which remote learning will be required:


1. An initial short term absence whilst a child is in isolation waiting for a test/test result for themselves or a member of their household. If the test result is positive, this would move onto situation 2 or 3 as detailed below.


2. A longer absence following a positive test for a member of the child's household, requiring the child to isolate.


3. A positive result for a child/member of staff results in the class/year group bubble all being required to isolate. 


Please see the pages below for further details of school's remote learning provision in each of these situations.
