Staff at Torrisholme continue to work hard to ensure all children experience and develop their skills as part of a varied and enjoyable Physical Education curriculum. For many years, we have tried to provide a wide range of extra-curricular sports and activities with opportunities for the children to take part in many local and regional competitions. Our children enjoy participating in PE lessons – working hard and recognising that keeping fit and healthy is a life-long goal.
This year (2021/2022), the school has been allocated £19,950. As a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the government has relaxed the ring-fencing arrangements for the PE and sport premium in the 2019 to 2020 academic year, to allow any unspent grant to be carried forward into the 2020 to 2021 academic year. Due to the continuation of the pandemic, this has also been applied to any unspent funding for the 2020 to 2021 academic year.
We aim to use all unspent money by 31st July 2022. We intend to use the funding for the following:
- To update our playground equipment to encourage more children to be more active during playtimes and lunchtimes.
- To fully establish the use of the PE Passport APP through training and updates to improve the assessment of PE and teachers' confidence in using the APP to enhance PE lessons and improve planning and assessment of future lessons.
- To join the Heysham High School Sports Partnership to increase the number of children involved in a broad range of sports in a competitive manner. This partnership also provides CPD for staff members to improve the quality of teaching and learning of PE across school.
- To join the Morecambe Sports Partnership to allow a greater number of children the opportunity to represent their school in a competition.
- To provide training, coaching and support in KS1 to develop fundamental movement skills which can then be maintained and transferred successfully throughout KS2.
- To provide the opportunity for all children in EYFS and Year 1 and Year 2 to learn to ride a bike through the service of Peddle and Scoot. We will also provide Bikeability for children in Y5 and Y6.
- To broaden the access to Swimming sessions for the less confident swimmers in Year 5 and 6. The funding will be used for the additional swimming pool hire and transport.
- To establish a partnership an Outdoor Education service. This will provide all children in Year 3 and 4 with Outdoor and Adventurous experiences to supplement the OAA curriculum skills. This will also build on the BLP (building learning power) work we implement throughout school to increase resilience, confidence problem solving skills, reflectiveness and perseverance.
- To continue to provide our Year 5 children with 2 full days at Tower Wood Outdoor Activity Centre.
- To provide all Year groups from EYFS - Year 6 with coaching from local clubs to ensure all children's PE sessions are being enhanced through the skills of a professional sports coach and teacher's confidence and competence in the teaching of specific sports is being developed. These coaches also help maintain links with the local sports clubs and help us sign post children to these clubs to increase the number of children involved in physical activity outside of school.
- To join the Lancashire Cricket affiliation which provides access to coaching, training and teaching resources.
- To provide Enjoy-a-ball sessions for EYFS to develop fundamental ball skills which are then maintained throughout KS1.
- To link with Cross Curricular Orienteering to provide staff training on how to fully adopt the Cross Curricular orienteering course to increase activity levels at break times and lunch times and to develop Intra-school competition to improve engagement.
- To provide additional resources to ensure teachers and children have access to high quality PE lessons.
- To upgrade our current gymnastic apparatus to ensure gymnastics PE lessons are of high-quality, are challenging and engaging for all children through school.
- To increase the confidence of staff members with teaching gymnastics and dance throughout school.
- To provide training for Young Sports Leaders to increase activity levels during playtimes and lunch times.
- To continue to subscribe 'The PE Hub' to enhance and support the PE scheme of work with new ideas and activities which meet the scheme's objectives.
- To raise the profile of school sport within school by providing sporting enhancements and celebrating achievements.
- Children are increasingly active during playtimes and lunchtimes. Other curricular areas have become much more active due to the implementation of the Cross Curricular Orienteering course and the track.
- Teachers’ confidence in the delivery of PE sessions has improved because of training, the new scheme of work and working alongside specialist coaches.
- Children’s attitudes towards PE have improved as a result of a much more varied and engaging curriculum.
- All PE lessons follow an agreed scheme of work, supplemented with PE Hub resources, which offers a progressive, engaging and challenging PE curriculum. Our curriculum now offers a more varied activity range to improve engagement and enables skills to be transferred much more frequently.
- Staff have a greater understanding of the progression in skills between year groups in PE.
- Staff members have improved competence and confidence with the delivery of PE lessons.
- Targeted groups of children (including Pupil Premium, less active and less confident) have been provided with outdoor education opportunities and clubs to increase awareness of fitness and health, increase activity levels and develop confidence.
- Torrisholme Primary School’s hard work has been recognised by receiving a Silver Sports Mark - The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community.
For more information about how our funding has been spent, please see our detailed 'Evidencing the Impact - Website Reporting Template' below.
To ensure the improvements and impact the school sports funding has had is sustained, teachers work closely with specialist coaches to develop their knowledge and understanding of the progression of skills in specific sports and to equip them with the skills to deliver high quality sessions in the future: these are then shared between staff members. New Schemes of work for both Key Stages ensure progress throughout the PE curriculum. Regular PE training develops the confidence of staff to deliver consistently high quality PE sessions and training is shared between all staff members. Being involved in a partnership with Lancaster and Heysham School Sports Network and the Morecambe Sports Partnership ensures extremely strong links are being established with the majority of the local primary schools which ensures intra and inter school competitions can be set up for the children in the future. This network and partnership also creates a group of teachers who can work together to ensure high quality PE and Sport is being delivered.