Countries and Capital Cities!
In our Geography work this week we have recapped the 4 countries that make up the UK and learnt even more amazing facts about their capital cities. We completed our own maps and pictures of significant landmarks. We also recapped the changing weather as the season is now winter and had lots of fun creating our own weather symbols and weather reports!
Growing Gardeners!
This week in Science we have planted our very own beans after learning all about Jack and the Beanstalk! We talked about the different parts of a plant, what they would need to grow and have been observing them and noting down any changes we have seen.
Super Subtractors!
In Maths we have been looking at subtraction. We used the practical equipment to represent different subtraction number sentences and then thought of stories to go with them e.g. There were 20 sharks in the sea. 4 of them swam away. There were 16 sharks left. 20 - 4 = 16
A Special Visitor
A big thank you to Graham who came in especially to talk to us about growing plants and vegetables. We learned lots of interesting facts and lots of new words too.
Rolling Rockstars!
We have been rolling rockstars in PE today! Our ball skills are improving greatly. We have loved playing some rolling team games, taking turns, encouraging our teams and playing fairly. I think we will have some professional bowlers on our hands when they are older. What fun!