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Spring Term


It has been absolutely brilliant to welcome back all of the children this week and see their joy and enthusiasm for being back has been completely heart warming.

They are having a super first week back and have settled back into school life brilliantly. 


Our newsletter for the next three weeks is below.


Our finished displays of our sculpture work. We hope you enjoy looking at them, as we did creating them.

We had a beautiful, gorgeous visitor today. Pilgrim the Barn Owl came to see us. We loved seeing her and finding out lots of facts.

This half term, we are becoming sculptors. We have learned what a sculptor is and looked at the work of different sculptors. We talked and shared our personal responses to their sculptures. We have been learning different skills using paper and card, clay and wire. Keep your eyes peeled for our final pieces which we be sharing shortly.

After waiting a week, our clay owls ave dried so we have been busy painting them. Not long till our work will be on display.

Our finished clay owls. We are very proud of our work.

We have been continuing our sculpture work, by starting to work with wire. Today, we have been practicing different techniques by creating different shapes by bending, curling and twisting.

We use our wire sculpture skills to creat insects. Here are our finished creations on display.

We had a lovely morning playing team games involving lots of positive communication. We discussed how important it is to listen to each other and take turns in talking.

The feather hoop game was lots of fun and involved lots of concentration. Our instructions to each other had to be clear to achieve our end goal.

Team Building Fun!

Over the previous 3 weeks, we have been learning about multiplication. We have created a story for a multiplication calculation. Drew it and wrote it as arepeated addition and multiplication calculation.
