Science Week 2022
Marvellous Mathematics 🧮
Clever Capacity! 💦
We had a dilemma, how should Aladdin use his last wish? We use a conscience alley to decide…
In English, we have continued with our Aladdin theme, becoming very persuasive and convincing us to come and see a procession with Prince Ali! (We compared it to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration parade last weekend!).
We have also been on a flight around the world on our magic carpets! We enjoyed describing our adventure using wonderful descriptive sentences.
Super Spelling
We loved adding suffixes 🌟
Reciting Poetry
The children learned The Owl and the Pussycat.
Super Science
In science, we were leaf explorers, searching the school grounds to help us identify common trees.
Living Things and their Habitats
We went on a minibeast hunt to see living things in their habitat! What fun!