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Summer Term

I wonder what does an animal look like that could win all the events at the Commonwealth Games... have a look at our ideas...

Have you ever thought what a scientist looks like? Well this is what we think...

Science Fair - thank you year 6 for an amazing time - we had fun and learnt lots.

Amazing science, pretending to be gentoo penguins and learning about their habitat.

Rock Kidz - we feel awesome after such a superb well-being day #yasba

Spellings - Look at our super writing using apostrophes for possession.


We started our new topic, Living Things and their Habitats. We went exploring for things that interest us, things that excite us and things that revolt us.

English - Freeze Frames for Aladdin

We are loving learning about measure. Today, we ordered objects from smallest to biggest.

Comparing measures

Aladdin Magic Carpet Ride

Science Leaf Explorers

Our Special Eggs

Today we put our Shetland duck eggs into the incubator, we now have to wait for 28 days for them to hatch.

Adding suffixes -ful, -ment, - ly, -ness, -less

Comparing Measures centimetres and metres

Marvellous Maths Measuring

Jubilee Picnic Lunch

Lancaster Castle and the Sun! Inspired by Paul Klee ☀️

Design Technology

We have loved designing, making and evaluating our trebuchets with moving wheels. Look at our finished designs - we are so proud of them.

We have made Jubilee Windmills and written super instructions to go with them.

Year 2’s re-enactment of The Battle of Hastings

The Duke of Normandy’s army sailed to England from France

Let the battle commence!

Harold Godwinson received an arrow to the eye!

All hail, King William 🤴

In Maths, we have worked really hard to create pictograms using keys of 2, 5 and 10

We have loved developing our skills of running fast and throwing for distance and accuracy this week in PE.

Week 2


We had a super walk around the school grounds using our science observation eyes and geography mapping skills to spot flowers, we went back to the classroom to do detailed observation drawings and trying to identify the flowers from photographs.


In English we used our new ‘zones of relevance’ boards to think about the character of Aladdin.


In maths we had great fun finding one third of a number. What marvellous maths it was!

Week 1


In science, we started our new topic about plants, we were super investigators looking at seeds and bulbs. We started an investigation planting two bulbs - one upright and one upside down, we made predictions about what would happen!
