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World Book Day

Phonics Fun!


Play the phonics board games from your pack. Roll a dice and blend the sounds to read each word you land on. Who will win the game? Good luck Year One!



World Book Day is the biggest celebration of its kind. The aim of it is to celebrate authors, books, illustrators and - of course - reading!


Share the special story from your learning pack by our amazing author Julia Donaldson story.  Enjoy your hot chocolate, snuggle up, and enjoy your book!  Can you retell the story verbally? Can you make your own puppets to retell the story? Can you draw and write about your favourite part?



Can you solve todays challenge? You can use objects to help you.


Each sandwich needs two slices of bread. How many sandwiches can be made using 20 slices of bread?

How did you work it out?



Room on the Broom Fun! Today is World Book Day so we have some Room on the Broom fun for you! In your pack, you will find some Room on the Broom addition to 20. Look at the pictures carefully and complete the calculations.

Listen to Miss Devey read the Room on the Broom story and the complete the recipe for the new broom problem in your pack.

Finally, have a go at answering some of the Room on the Broom questions at the end. Good luck!



Share your favourite story with a cuddly toy, snuggle up and enjoy a book!


Mrs Davies & Miss Retallick have read their favourite Julia Donaldson stories just for you!  Have a look on our Torrisholme TV -  Enjoy lots of stories written by the author Julia Donaldson 



Choose an exciting activity from our Julia Donaldson activity pack!


Enjoy a special Julia Donaldson story on our Torrisolme TV – Story Time! Enjoy lots of stories written by the author Julia Donaldson
