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Thursday 28th January


Create your own sight word hopscotch! Choose which sight words you would like to use from the ones we have sent home. Have a look at the pictures below for some ideas. Ask your child to say each word as they travel down the hopscotch or say a word and ask your child to travel to that word. 


Today, we are naming some aliens! First of all, can you read the names of our aliens below? After you have done that, head to your home learning pack and get the alien sheet. Cut out the letters and stick any 3 letters under each alien to give it a name. Make sure the yellow letters are in the middle box. Then sound talk the word to read the aliens name. What crazy names have you given your aliens? 


Have a look at the video below and learn how to play the 3D shape game - what am I?

How to play this game:

*you need 2 players for this game. 

*one person has a 3D shape card places above their head and they have to ask questions to their friend about the shape. This may include: "Can I roll?" "Do I look like a dice?"

Enjoy the game! 

Shape "What Am I?"

Play this game to help you practise describing and naming 3D shapes.

Wider Curriculum

Please choose from the Space Pick and Mix activities.
