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Tuesday 20.10.20

Good Morning Year One 🌟

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Fun with Phonics!


Today for our fun with phonics we would like you to log onto phonics play (User name: march20 password: home) and click on the game 'Dragons Den'.  Please select phase 3 phonics- revise all phase 3. 

Can you help the dragons find their eggs? Can you carefully read each word and sort? 

Our green dragon's egg have real words and our red dragon's egg have silly words.  Have fun!



Share your favourite story at home.  Can you draw a picture about the story and tell us all about your favourite part? Can you write a super sentence? Can you use a capital letter, finger space and full stop? Can you use our joining word and?


Share your wonderful writing with us by uploading a picture of your writing onto your learning journey through 'Evidence Me'.



Amazing Addition! Can you choose a calculation challenge sheet, from 'The Listening Ladybird Addition', you can choose *, ** or *** and complete the calculations?

Amazing Art!


Let's be amazing artists! Can you create your very own nature art inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy. 


Andy Goldsworthy is an artist who uses natural materials such as leaves and stones to create art.  Have a look at some of his beautiful artwork below.

Can you create our very own nature art? Share your learning with us through our 'Evidence Me' app.
