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Tuesday 23rd February


Phonics with Mrs Robinson - ai

Remember Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh from yesterday’s story? Grab the poster from your pack and write some short sentences to describe them to help the police find them. What do they look like? What were they wearing? Start the sentences with ‘he is…’ or ‘he has…’ 
Check out the tricky word 'he' below as you'll be using this in your sentences. The 'e' is tricking us, its not making 'e' its making 'ee'.
Use your number cards 11-20 from yesterday’s activity. Hide these around the room for your child to find. Ask your child which number they have found? Once your child has found them all, ask them to make a number line by placing the numbers in order from 11-20. Encourage your child to keep counting aloud to help them know which number comes next. Have a look at the number lines below for a quick warm up. Can you spot the 2 numbers that are wrong in each numberline?
Wider Curriculum
Have a look at the Book Week pick and mix activity sheet from your pack or on the remote learning website page. Have fun doing an activity together. We'd love to see!
