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Tuesday 5th January

Log in to your Collins Big Cat eBook Library and encourage your child to read one of their allocated books.


Drawing a Wintery scene with Mrs Robinson

Can you use some of Mrs Robinsons ideas to draw your own winter picture? You'll need paper and pencil and may want to pause the video after each little part. Enjoy drawing snowy hills, a snowman, children playing, snowflakes and a winter tree. Maybe you could add someone sledging on one of your hills! Please add your drawings to evidence me - we look forward to seeing them!

Number recognition - make yourselves a set of number cards. Depending on how many numbers your child knows you could start with 1 - 5 or 1 - 10 or focus on 11-15 / 16-20. Play games with your cards;
-Quick fire - adult holds up and child says the number
-Jump - spread the cards out, child jumps on the number that the adult says
-Order - can you order the numbers to make a numberline
-Steal - child shuts their eyes, adult steals a number from the line, which one is missing?
Head over to our Ten Town web page to practise some more number recognition by watching videos, songs and playing games. Use your individual log in to access the site.
Wider Curriculum
Click the link below and log in to Purple Mash
Username; Reception     Password; Reception
Click tools, scroll down the page and click paint projects. If you scroll right down to the nature section you can choose to complete a winter picture. Use the different pens, make the pens different thicknesses and practise using the undo button. Can you type your name at the bottom of the picture? Here's Mrs Robinson's creation below;
