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Weekly Spellings

Spelling Practise and Weekly Quiz


Spellings will be sent home each week on Monday.. The children will have the opportunity to learn them in class but to help them further, it would be great if you could encourage them to practice them at home too. They will be tested on them on Friday


We are currently revisiting the Phonics and Tricky Words from Year 1 and we have been using Phonics Play to engage in various activities to test the children's understanding and consolidate their learning.


You can gain free access to the website, during lockdwon


Username: TorrisholmeCP 



There is also a Spelling Activity added to Purple Mash weekly as an additional way to practise the weekly spellings. You will find your child's login details at the front of the Reading Diary.

Spellings for the week beginning 30th November 2020

These are the spellings for the week starting the 19th October 2020

These are the spellings for the week commencing 12th October 2020
